Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases

The Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, namely “child psychiatry”, deals with the psychological development of children, the factors affecting child psychology, psychological problems that may be seen in boys and girls, the critical role of mothers and fathers in child psychology, and ways to cope with negative behaviors in children. It is extremely important for children to be psychologically healthy individuals in terms of their future lives and public health. Therefore, children need to be evaluated by experts in the field in order to treat mental health disorders and improve negative situations. In our Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, Dr. Lecturer Canan İNCE BÖREKCİ provides services with her experience and knowledge.

The main reasons for applying to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health polyclinic are; mental retardation, learning disorders, communication problems, speech delay, autism, behavioral disorders, sleep problems, tics, school refusal and problems, mother-father-child problems, sibling or peer communication disorders, identity crisis, adolescent problems, and parental counseling.

Medical areas of interest:

  • Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder,
  • Learning disabilities and academic problems,
  • Autism,
  • Language and speech development problems,
  • Mental retardation and related behavioral problems,
  • Infancy and preschool period eating and sleeping problems,
  • Mother-infant-child relationships and problems,
  • Urinary and bowel habits problems,
  • Tic disorders,
  • Sibling jealousy,
  • Adaptation and behavioral problems,
  • Thumb sucking, nail biting,
  • Childhood and adolescent depression and anxiety disorders,
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder,
  • Adolescence and parent-adolescent conflicts,
  • Parent counseling,
  • Children and adolescents prone to violence,
  • Self-harming behaviors,
  • Eating disorders,
  • Bipolar affective disorder,
  • Psychotic disorder,
  • Trauma / Loss / Grief history,
  • Mental problems experienced by children, adolescents and their families with chronic illnesses.

When to see a child psychiatrist?

A child psychiatrist can be seen even if there is no problem. Sometimes parents can also see a child and adolescent mental health clinic to decide what to do with their children. Sometimes, child psychiatrists can be seen in infancy for sleep and nutrition problems, as well as for behavioral disorders that may be seen in the child.

Up to what age does child psychiatry treat?

In the Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases clinic, the mental problems of children and young people between the ages of 0-18 are evaluated, and when necessary, cooperation is established with the family, teacher, school and relevant institutions.

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Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Canan İNCE BÖREKCİ

Child-Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Specialist

Online Appointment

Update Date : 17.10.2024