
Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Canan İNCE BÖREKCİ

Child-Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Specialist

Online Appointment

Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Canan İNCE BÖREKCİ

Child-Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Specialist

Education Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Child-Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases (2012-2017)

Professional Career

COURSES and CERTIFICATES • Affective disorders and schizophrenia interview schedule for school-age children-current and lifetime version with structured interview techniques April 2016 • CBT in children and adolescents, Ankara, course, 05.07.2019 -06.10.2019 • Schema therapy in children and adolescents, Istanbul, course, 15.02.2019 -16.02.2019 • Play therapy course, practitioner certification training 04.2021 • MOXO d-CPT practitioner certification training 15.05.2022 • Attentioner ADHD practitioner training 11-12 June 2022 • SOBECE Social skills child training October 22-24, 2022

ACADEMIC STUDIES PUBLICATIONS A. Articles Published in Internationally Refereed Journals

  1. Ince Canan, Kandil Sema (2018). Anger level and depression relation in children and adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder. Anadolu psychiatry journal-Anatolian journal of psychiatry (publication number: 6028912).

  2. Ince Canan, Karakuş Mutlu, Kandil Sema (2016). Relationship between anger level and depression in children and adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder: preliminary study. 1st international child and adult clinical psychiatry congress (abstract presentation/oral presentation) (publication no: 6029469).

D. Poster Presentations Presented in International Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings Book

  1. Karakuş Mutlu, İnce Canan, Kandil Sema (2016). Psychopharmacological treatment in Joubert syndrome child with multiple psychiatric disorders. 8th international psychopharmacology congress 4th international child and adolescent psychopharmacology symposium (abstract presentation/poster) (publication no: 6029454).
  2. Samiye Cilem Bilginer, Duran Busra, Ince Canan, Tural Hesapcioglu Selma, Kandil Sema (2013). Changes in the preference of the psychotropic drugs in child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient in five years. 5th international congress on psychopharmacology (/)(publication no:2493677).

E. Poster Presentations Presented in National Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings Book

  1. Ince Canan, Karakus Mutlu, Kandil Sema (2017). Methylpenidate induced hypomania: a case report. 27th national child and adolescent mental health and diseases congress (abstract presentation/poster)(publication no:6029500).
  2. Ince Canan, Karakus Mutlu, Kandil Sema (2017). Use of lorazepam in the treatment of risperidone-induced paroxysmal dystonia. 27th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress (Abstract Presentation/Poster) (Publication No: 6029488).

  3. Ince Canan, Bulut Damla, Karakuş Mutlu, Kandil Sema (2017). A case with frontal lobe epilepsy followed by sleep disorder. 27th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress.

  4. Ince Canan, Karadeniz Serkan, Karakuş Mutlu, Kandil Sema (2016). A case of subdural hematoma that started with psychiatric complaints. 26th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress (Abstract Presentation/Poster) (Publication No: 6029420).

  5. Ince Canan, Karakuş Mutlu, Kandil Sema (2016). Autism Spectrum Disorder and Hemophilia A Coexistence: Case Report. , 26th national child and adolescent mental health and diseases congress (abstract/poster)(publication no:6029004).

  6. Civil arslan filiz,sağlam aykut demet,ince canan,tiryaki ahmet,özkorumak karagüzel evrim (2015). Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia due to quetiapine use. 51st national psychiatry congress (/)(publication no:2494173).

  7. Samiye çilem bilginer,kandil sema,tural hesapçıoğlu selma,karakuş mutlu,duran busra,karadeniz serkan,ince canan (2013). Evaluation of child and adolescent suicide attempts.(publication no:2493944).

  8. Karadeniz serkan,karakuş mutlu,duran busra,ince canan,kandil sema (2013). Postictal psychosis and aripiprazole treatment in an adolescent with epilepsy and mild mental retardation: a case report. 23rd National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress (Publication No: 2493293).

  9. Samiye Çilem Bilginer, İnce Canan, Karakuş Mutlu, Kandil Sema (2013). Evaluation of child and adolescent psychiatry consultations requested in a university hospital in the last year. 23rd National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress (Publication No: 2493445).

  10. İnce Canan, Karakuş Mutlu, Karadeniz Serkan, Kandil Sema (2013). Obsessive compulsive disorder developing after atomoxetine use in a patient diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD. 23rd National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress (Publication No: 2492968). F. Chapters in national/international books written:
  11. Treatment manual emdr and the art of psychotherapy with children, chapter name: (chapter 1: theoretical foundations and research in emdr therapy in children from infants to adolescents) (2020)., ince canan, ....., edition number: 1, turkish (book translation), (publication number: 6028945).
  12. Child psychology and mental health book, chapter name: (chapter 14: child, illness and death.) (2019)., ince canan, ..........., edition number: 1, turkish (textbook), (publication number: 6028936).

G. Seminar

  1. Biomarkers in anxiety disorders, panel 30. national child and adolescent mental health congress 20.05.2021-22.05.2021 online.

  2. Psychiatric examination in children and adolescents, 4. black sea PDR days workshop, 2021.

  3. Cognitive and spiritual development in early childhood, Trabzon, seminar, 15.06.2019 -15.06.2019.

  4. Autism spectrum disorder screening and follow-up program, Trabzon, seminar, 01.06.2017 -01.12.2017 (national).


Mid-Week: 08:00-17:00
Saturday: 08:00-13:00
Update Date : 16.10.2024