
Nephrology is a branch of medical science that deals with kidney diseases. In our Nephrology department, which is a sub-branch of internal medicine, Specialist Dr. Muammer Cansız provides services in the diagnosis of kidney diseases, taking preventive measures and treating them with his experience and knowledge.

In our Nephrology department, they play a role in the investigation of the causes of kidney failure, hypertension, electrolyte (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.) disorders and urine abnormalities (blood in the urine, protein/albumin in the urine, etc.), determining treatment options and protecting and monitoring kidney functions. In addition, services are provided in the evaluation of the negative effects that systemic diseases (such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, rheumatological diseases), acute, rapidly developing clinical conditions (such as fluid loss, heart failure, blood-borne microbes - sepsis), and continuously used drugs (such as chemotherapy, anti-rheumatic drugs, cortisone) can have on the kidneys and in the production of solutions.

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Uzm. Dr. Muammer CANSIZ

Internal Medicine and Nephrology Specialist

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Update Date : 17.10.2024