Ear Nose Throat
Ear, nose and throat is a group of organs that have many functions such as speaking, hearing, maintaining balance, tasting and smelling and have an anatomical connection with each other. In our hospital, the dysfunctions in these organs that provide the body's three basic senses, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of diseases and examinations related to the hearing and balance system are performed by our specialist physicians Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suat Terzi, Op. Dr. Ömer Korkmaz and Op. Dr. Mahmut Haydar USTAOĞLU.
In our Ear-Nose-Throat Polyclinic;
- Hearing loss
- Ear infections
- Prominent ear aesthetic surgery
- Dizziness and balance disorder treatment
- Chronic sinusitis
- Functional and aesthetic nose surgery
- Nasal allergies
- Nose bleeding, congestion
- Tonsil and adenoid surgeries
- Lacrimal gland obstructions
- Voice disorders
- Swallowing problems
- Throat diseases due to gastroesophageal reflux
- Benign and malignant tumors of the head and neck region
- Audiometry unit (hearing tests) procedures can be performed.
Our Related Physicians
Op. Dr. Ömer KORKMAZ
Ear Nose and Throat Diseases
Online Appointment
Op. Dr. Mahmut Haydar USTAOĞLU
Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist
Online Appointment
Doç. Dr. Suat TERZİ
Ear Nose Throat Diseases Specialist
Online Appointment
Update Date : 17.10.2024