Internal medicine
Internal medicine, one of the most difficult areas of medicine, is a comprehensive branch of science that provides examination and follow-up services to patients who apply for outpatient and inpatient treatment with non-surgical complaints. In our hospital's internal medicine department, polyclinic services, emergency services, inpatient follow-up, consultations, preoperative patient evaluations, check-up services and internal follow-ups of intensive care patients are performed by our specialist physicians Dr. Nihat Cihanyurdu and Dr. Levent Osman Erdemli in close cooperation with all branches. At night, our internal medicine polyclinic provides service between 17:00/00:00 on weekdays and 13:00/17:00 on Saturdays by Specialist Dr. Hasan İmamoğlu.
In our internal medicine clinic;
- Diabetes
- Blood pressure problems
- Liver diseases
- Endocrinology- goiter (thyroid) adrenal gland pituitary and diseases
- Blood diseases
- Digestive system (stomach and intestine) diseases
- Infectious diseases
- Lung and upper respiratory system diseases, asthma
- Hormonal diseases and obesity can be performed.
Our Related Physicians

Uzm. Dr. Levent Osman ERDEMLİ
Internal Medicine Specialist
Online Appointment

Internal Medicine Specialist
Online Appointment

Uzm. Dr. Hasan İMAMOĞLU
Internal Medicine Specialist