
Uzm. Dr. Şenol ANAÇ

Psikiyatri Uzmanı

Online Randevu

Uzm. Dr. Şenol ANAÇ

Psikiyatri Uzmanı

Eğitim Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp fakültesi

Mesleki Kariyer 1992/03-1993/06 : Niğde Elmalı health center

1993/06-1996/01 :Branch Director and Deputy Director in Niğde Provincial Health Directorate

1996/01-1996/06 : OMÜ Medical School Radiation Oncology Assistantship

1996/06-2001/06 :Atatürk University Medical Faculty Psychiatry Assistantship

2001/06-2008/01: Ordu State Hospital Psychiatric expertise

2001/10-2003/02 :Ordu State Hospital Assistant Chief

2008/01-2008/02: Trabzon Çaykara hospital for mental health R & D

Certificates and Courses Attended

1.Between 2002 and 2004, she completed "Sexuality and Sexual Treatment Education" consisting of 144 hours theoretical and 72 hours supervision organized by Association of Sexual Education, Treatment and Research (CETAD)

  1. Between 2002-2004, the chairman of the Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. Dr. Mehmet Z. Sungur completed 75 hours theoretical and 75 hour practical and supervised "Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Training" in the subjects of "Evaluation in Anxiety Disorders and Depression, Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches in Case Formulation and Treatment".

  2. Between 1-4 October 1997 She participated in the "Cognitive therapy of social phobia" course within the 33. National Psychiatric Congress.

4.He participated in the 14-hour workshop titled "Cognitive Therapy of Depression" by Keith Dobson on 16-17 February 2002.

  1. He participated in the "Alcohol Dependence and Treatment" course held on March 31, 2003 within Hacettepe University Medical Faculty Continuous Medical Education Activities.

6.Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies Association participated in the 15-hour "Psychosocial Treatment of Anxiety and Pervasive Anxiety Disorder" study group held in Istanbul on 17-18 September 2005.

  1. Cognitive and behavioral therapies participated in the 15-hour study group "Cognitive Behavioral Therapies in Children and Adolescents: Treatment of Anxiety, Depression and Impulsivity" held in Istanbul on 1-2 October 2005.

8.15-hour "Cognitive Behavior Therapies in Personality Disorders" organized by the Cognitive and Behavior Therapies Association on 13-14 May 2006 in Istanbul.

9.15-hour "Cognitive Behavior Therapies in Personality Disorders" organized by the Cognitive and Behavior Therapies Association on 13-14 May 2006 in Istanbul.

10.Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies Association, organized in Istanbul between 20-21 September 2008 12 hours

"How can compliance with homework as a powerful therapeutic change tool be improved? Homework in difficult times "group.

  1. Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies Association participated in the 7 hour "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Eating Disorders" study group held in İstanbul between 6-8 November 2009.

12.Participated in the 4-hour seminar entitled "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Panic Disorder" held in Trabzon on March 16, 2012.

13.The Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (KDTD), in accordance with the standards of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies

he successfully completed the theoretical and practical "Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Training" in 2012, and was entitled to receive the title of "Cognitive and Behavioral Therapist".

1967 yılında İstanbul'da doğdu. İlkokulu Giresun yağlıdere Merkez ilkokulunda, Ortaokulu Trabzon Esiroğlu Ortaokulunda, liseyi Giresun Yağlıdere Lisesinde tamamladı. Üniversiteyi Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp fakültesinde okudu.

ÜYELİKLER Türk Psikiyatri Derneği Cinsel Eğitim, tedavi ve Araştırma Derneği Kognitif ve Davranış Terapileri Derneği


Hafta İçi: 08:00 - 17:00
Cumartesi: 08:00 - 13:00
Güncelleme Tarihi : 14.10.2024